
About the Department


The Computer Engineering Department was seeded back in 1967, as a service department to teach courses in computer science discipline to other academic departments in Middle East Technical University (METU). In 1977, the department was integrated into Faculty of Engineering with the current name of “Computer Engineering Department”, delegated the new mission of providing degree programs of its own.

Mission and Vision

The goal of the Department of Computer Engineering at Middle East Technical University is to teach, produce and disseminate theory, principles, practice and know-how of computing for the critical analysis, design, evaluation, and improvement of computer-based systems in the contexts of computers and man, computers and the society, computers and the industry and services.


The Computer Engineering undergraduate program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,


Our department logo was designed by Adem Yaşar Mülayim.


Computer Labs

Most of the courses require the students to implement their projects and homeworks on modern (Unix/Linux/Solaris/Windows) operating systems. There are 3 individual laboratories where lab sessions are performed and students can implement their projects and homeworks. All the computers are inter-connected via Gigabit Ethernet, which is linked to the METU Campus Backbone via fiber connection. These laboratories include Intel-based all-in-one computers, running Linux (Ubuntu) operating systems. The laboratories are equipped with high performance servers.

Other than software laboratories, a hardware laboratory is used in practical work, concerning courses such as EE 281 Electrical Circuits, CENG 232 Logic Design, CENG 336 Introduction to Embedded Systems Development.

Computing Services

Each student obtains a computing account to be used in the department. This account comes with an email service, a file-storage area which students can use to publish their websites. We also maintain a Newsserver which provides news channels in various topics, to induce communication and discussion among the students and faculty.

Wireless Network

The students are able to access the department's wireless network. We currently have eleven wireless access points covering the Department's both buildings and also .

High Performance Computing

There is a High Performance Computing cluster in the department, which is used for research and coursework. The system has 46 nodes, with a total of 368 cpu cores, 736 GB main memory and 6 TB of shared storage area. More information on the HPC system can be found at HPC web site.

BigData Servers

There is a BigData sever in the department, which is used for research and coursework. The system has 7 nodes with a total of 224 CPU cores, 896 GB main memory, 2*200 SSD system disks and 336 TB of shared storage area. The MapR Converged Data Platform which is the industry’s only platform to integrate the enormous power of Hadoop and Spark with global event streaming, real-time database capabilities, and enterprise storage is installed to the servers.