The WRITTEN (Core) part of the Ph.D. qualifying exam will be held on May 2 and May 5, 2025 in two separate sessions. All the students will participate in both of the sessions. These sessions will be held in class (students should show up physically in the class).
The ORAL (Breadth) part will be held starting from May 20, 2025 depending on the date and time arrangements for each examination jury.
For details about both parts, please refer to the “CENG Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Guidelines” available at
Especially, please note the change in the Core exam conduct.
The students who would like to take the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam must write a petition to the Department Chair and send it via e-mail to, indicating the breadth topic that they choose and the courses they “DO NOT want to be exempt” (for the courses they earned an exemption in the previous exam) until April 9, 2025.
Prof.Dr. Nihan Çiçekli
Dept. of Computer Engineering
PhD Qualifying Exam Committee Chair