Summer Practice
The summer practice guide for the engineering faculty will not be distributed as a hard copy after 01.06.2021. You can obtain it as the Summer Practice Guide in the following section.
Summer Practice Info (Revised on Jan.2024, some titles are in Turkish)
- Checklist for Summer Practice
- Faculty of Engineering Rules
- Kuruluş Bilgi Formu
- Document For Proving Mandatory Summer Practice
- Mühendislik Fakültesi Yaz Stajı Kuralları
- The Organization Information Form
- Staj Zorunluluk Belgesi
- Summer Practice Briefing
- Summer Practice Guide/Staj Rehberi
- Summer Practice Rules and Template
- Yaz Stajı Duyuru
- The summer practice class section should be the one that matches your advisor. We will share advisor codes here but they may be out of date. Check if your section matches with your advisor.
- Advisor Codes
Staj Sigortası (Summer Practice Insurence for Turkish Citizens)
Staj bildirimiyle birlikte öğrencilerimizin aileleri üzerinden Genel Sağlık Sigortaları SGK tarafından sonlandırılabilinmektedir. Staj sonunda mağduriyet yaşanmaması açısından, bu belge sağlık hizmeti alımınız için çok önemlidir. İnceleyiniz.
Daha fazla bilgi için
Danışmanlar için (For Advisors)
Summer Practice Location of Students from Previous Years
For your questions related to summer practice insurance and payments, follow the following steps:
- First read the information given in and
- If answer not found:
Apply to the Secretary of Student Affairs Mehtap Ölmez
Tel: 2105527
Office: A106
E-mail: mehtap[at]
- If answer not found:
Apply to Ozgur Cetin Tel: 2105510 Office: A108 E-mail: cetin[at]
- If answer not found:
Apply to the Summer Practice and Part-time Student Office in the Rector's Office.
For other questions related to the summer practice regulations and content
- First read the information given in
- If answer not found:
Apply to the Secretary of Student Affairs Mehtap Olmez
Tel: 2105527
Office: A106
E-mail: mehtap[at]
- If answer not found:
Send an e-mail to with subject STAJ.