ODTÜ Bilgisayar Grafikleri ve Görselleştirme Araştırma Grubu (CGV), bilgisayar grafikleri ve görselleştirmenin çeşitli araştırma alanlarını incelemek üzere 1996 yılında kurulmuştur. Daha spesifik olarak CGV, aşağıdaki spesifik araştırma alanlarıyla ilgilenmektedir: Oyun Teknolojileri: çok oyunculu çevrimiçi oyunlar, ciddi oyunlar, mimariler ; Geometrik Modelleme: çoklu çözünürlük, sanal şekillendirme; Küresel Aydınlatma ve İşleme: ışın izleme ve radyosite, tıkanma giderme; GPU Programlama: GPU ışın dökümü, hacim oluşturma, duman oluşumu; Modelleme ve Simülasyon: C4ISR sistemleri, etmen tabanlı simülasyonlar, sürüş simülatörleri; Farklı alanlara yönelik görselleştirme: hacimsel nesneler, biyoinformatik, kültürel miras, askeri ve yol güvenliği. HDR Görüntüleme. Dijital Geometri İşleme.
HDR Görüntüleme: https://user.ceng.metu.edu.tr/~akyuz/
Dijital Geometri İşleme: https://user.ceng.metu.edu.tr/~ys/
Önceki Çalışmalar
Sanal Türkiye
GPU Kümelerinde Paralel İşleme
Devasa Çok Oyunculu Çevrimiçi Oyunların Geliştirilmesi
LSMS: Moleküler Yüzey Üretimi için Seviye Ayarlama yöntemleri
FPV: Java 3D Kullanarak Hızlı Protein Görselleştirme
Seçilmiş Yayınlar
B. Ciftlikli, V. Isler and U. Gudukbay, Increasing the Sense of Presence in a Simulation Environment using Image Generators based on Visual Attention, PRESENCE Journal, MIT Press, December 2010.
E. Yilmaz, V. Isler and Y. Yardimci, The Virtual Marathon: Parallel Computing Supports Crowd Simulation, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, July/august 2009, Vol 29, No. 4.
Gurkan Koldas, Veysi Isler, Efficient Visibility for Distributed Virtual Environments: Based on Occlusion Culling, VDM Verlag , ISBN-10: 3639138554, 2009.
Safak Burak Cevikbas, Gürkan Koldas, Veysi Isler, Prefetching Optimization for Distributed Urban Environments, pp. 291-297, 2008 International Conference on Cyberworlds, 2008.
Gurkan Koldas, Veysi Isler, Rynson Lau, An Adjustable Occluder Shrinking Method for Urban Environments, Proceedings of Computer Graphics International Conference, 9-11 June 2008, pp. 278-285, Istanbul.
A. Es and V. Isler, Accelerated Regular Grid Traversals Using Extended Anisotropic Chessboard Distance Fields on a Parallel Stream Processor, Journal of Parallel and Distrbuted Computing, Volume 67, Issue 11, pp 1201-1217, November 2007
H. Y. Keles, S. A. Es and V. Isler, Acceleration of Direct Volume Rendering with Programmable Graphics Hardware, The Visual Computer, Volume 23, No 1, January, 2007.
G. Yildirim, H. Y. Keles, V. Isler, Three Dimensional Smoke Simulation on Programmable Graphics Hardware, Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics, May 21-24, 2007, Antalya, Turkey.
İ. Bıkmaz, G. Yıldırım, K. Çağıltay, V. İşler, K. İmre, Serious Game and Simulation Development Framework, Proceedings of National Defence Applications Modeling and Simulation Conference, pp. 457-466, METU, Ankara, 18-19 April 2007.
G. Yıldırım, K. Çağıltay, V. İşler, The Role of Human Computer Interaction Studies for Defence Systems, Proceedings of National Defence Applications Modeling and Simulation Conference, pp. 200-208, METU, Ankara, 18-19 April 2007.
T. Can, C.-I. Chen, Y.-F. Wang, “Efficient molecular surface generation using level-set methods,” Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling (JMGM), 25(4):442-454, 2006.
H. Y. Keleş, Ş. A. Es and V. İşler, Accelerated Volume Rendering with Homogeneous Region Encoding using EACD on GPU 6th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, Braga, Portugal, 11-12, May 2006.
Ş. A. Es and V. İşler, Acceleration of Regular Grid Traversals Using Extended Chessboard Distance Transformation on GPU CAD/CAM, Hong Kong, 2005.
G.Koldas, S.B.Cevikbas, V. Isler, Real-time Visualization for Distributed Simulation Applications: Visibility Detection based on Occlusion Culling, SAVTEK: Defence Technologies Congress, June 2006.
B. Sapaz, V. Isler, Visualization of C4ISR Mission Space Conceptual Model, SAVTEK: Defence Technologies Congress, June 2006.
B. Sapaz, V. Isler, Visualization in Transportation: A Theoretical Reference Model Framework, TRODSA: 3rd. Intl. Traffic and Road Safety Congress, www.trodsa.org, May 2006.
S. Bilgen, O. Demirörs, K. İmre, V. İşler and A. Karagöz, Conceptual Modeling of C4ISR Mission Space, Proceedings of National Defence Applications Modeling and Simulation Conference, pp. 3-8, METU, Ankara, 2-3 June 2005.
T. Can, Y. Wang, Y.-F. Wang and J. Su, “FPV: fast protein visualization using Java 3D,” Bioinformatics, 19(8):913-922, 2003.
Ç. Ündeğer, V. İşler and Z. İpekkan, An Intelligent Action Algorithm for Virtual Human Agents The 9th Conference on Computer Generated Forces and Behavioral Representation, Orlando, Florida, May 16-18, 2000.
T. Can, V. İşler and Z. İpekkan, Sensor Optimization The 9th Conference on Computer Generated Forces and Behavioral Representation, Orlando, Florida, May 16-18, 2000.
G. Koldaş and V. İşler, Multiresolution Behavioral Modeling in a Virtual Environment The 33rd Annual Simulation Symposium, Washington D. C., April 16-20, 2000.
G. Ucoluk and I.H. Toroslu, Reconstruction of Broken Surface Objects, Computers & Graphics, 23(4), 1999.
A. Okutanoğlu, and V. İşler, Flexible Scenario Infrastructure for Simulation Systems, Proceedings of National Defence Applications Modeling and Simulation Conference, pp. 115-126, METU, Ankara, 2-3 June 2005.